Rabu 03 Jul 2024 18:12 WIB

The Prophet's Hadith Ordered to Go to Palestine Before the Apocalypse, What Does It Mean?

The hadith indicates that Sham and the surrounding Al Aqsa Mosque have privileges.

Rep: A. Syalaby Ichsan/ Red: Ani Nursalikah
Israeli soldiers pass the Dome of the Rock at the Masjid Al Aqsa compound.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW has given a message about what will happen in Palestine before the end of the world. This is based on a hadith narrated from Abdullah bin Hawalah Al Uzdi RA.

نزلَ عليَّ عبدُ اللَّهِ بنُ حوالةَ الأزديُّ فقالَ لي: بعثَنا رسولُ اللَّهِ صلَّى اللَّهُ علَيهِ وسلَّمَ لنغنمَ على أقدامنا فرجعنا، فلم نغنم شيئًا وعرفَ الجَهْدَ في وجوهنا فقامَ فينا فقالَ: اللَّهمَّ لا تَكِلْهُم إليَّ، فأضعفَ عنهم، ولا تَكِلْهُم إلى أنفسِهِم فيعجزوا عنها، ولا تَكِلْهُم إلى النَّاسِ فيستأثروا عليهم ثمَّ وضعَ يدَهُ على رأسي، أو قالَ: على هامَتي، ثمَّ قالَ: يا ابنَ حوالةَ، إذا رأيتَ الخلافةَ قد نزَلَت أرضَ المقدَّسةِ فقَد دنَتِ الزَّلازِلُ والبَلابلُ والأمُورُ العِظامُ، والسَّاعةُ يومَئذٍ أقرَبُ منَ النَّاسِ من يدي هذِهِ من رأسِكَ

Abdullah bin Hawalah came and said, "The Messenger of Allah sent us to get the spoils of war on foot. Then we didn't get anything, and he saw the heavy condition on our faces. Then he stood up and prayed:

Allaahumma laa takilhum ilayya fa-adh'ufa 'anhum, wa laa takilhum ilaa anfusihim faya'jizuu anhaa, wa laa takilhum ilan naasi fayasta`ruu 'alaihim.

Translation: O Allah, do not hand them over to me so that I am weak (not strong) to bear them, and do not hand over yourself to them so that they are unable to bear themselves. And do not hand them over to people so that they put their own interests above themselves.

Then the Prophet SAW put my hand (Abdullah bin Hawalah's hand) on my head. Then he said, "O son of Hawalah, when you see that the caliphate has descended on the Holy Land (Palestine), then indeed an earthquake and various sorrows and great things will be near. At that time the Day of Resurrection will be closer to the people than My hand is on your head" (HR Abu Daud).

The descent of the Caliphate to the Holy Land as stated in the hadith refers to the arrival and movement from Medina to the Holy Land. The Holy Land in this hadith is Sham or Palestine. The existence of a caliphate in Syria occurred during the Umayyad Dynasty.

The Caliphate is leadership for the general public. The caliphate referred to here, in this hadith, is the leadership of nubuwat. When this caliphate existed, it was a sign that an earthquake was approaching in the form of shaking and movement of the earth.

The sadness that is meant is worry. Meanwhile, big cases refer to disasters or calamities. This situation shows that the Day of Judgment is very close, even closer than the distance between the Prophet's hand and Abdullah bin Hawalah's head.

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